• @o0oradaro0o
    29 months ago

    This argument implies that Biden is left of Obama. It also ignores the very real risk that by not voting for Biden in this round there will be no fair future rounds to participate in. It also ignores all other elections and chances to influence the party.

    Trump is a uniquely different candidate than McCain, Romney, Bush, whoever you want to pick. He tried to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power and there is little reason to think he would not try again if given the chance.

    Real life is not so simple as game theory and attempting these simplifications is not as rational as you imply.

    Please vote in the coming election for Biden. The consequences of “Punishing” the Dnc are too dire to ignore.

    • @Aceticon
      9 months ago

      “The only time that something” is the logical “might something” not the logical “must something”

      Also you weren’t like me right smack in the middle of the Finance Industry keenly observing what Obama (amongst others such as Cammeron in Britain and Merkel in Germany) did in the aftermath of the 2008 Crash and how they did it, or were living under a rock when the suppression of Occupy Wall Street happenned, if you think Obama is in any way form of shape leftwing, center-left or even center-right: you need to go way back, before Bill “I repealed the Glass-Steagal Act so that Finance can do whatevere the fuck it wants and thus caused the 2008 Crash” Clinton to find a Democrat with even the mildest touch of merelly center-left thinking.