• @wafflez
    11 month ago

    Your different approach to ethics doesn’t make the killing acceptable. It’s wrong either way.

    • @[email protected]
      11 month ago

      Your different approach to ethics doesn’t make the killing acceptable. It’s wrong either way.

      killing animals for food is good, actually.

      • @wafflez
        11 month ago

        It’s extremely wasteful. Animals lose most calories they intake through energy loss. Its better to grow plants and feed them to ourselves than to breed and kill. Would you be fine breeding and killing humans? Whats the morally significant difference?

        • @[email protected]
          11 month ago

          once the animals have consumed the calories, it’s wasteful not to harvest them. killing animals for food is good.

          • @wafflez
            11 month ago

            Killing animals is unnecesary

              • @wafflez
                11 month ago

                Doesn’t make it okay or acceptable. Same with other social issues 100 years ago. Glad we know where you’d stand

          • @wafflez
            11 month ago

            It’s better to let them live a happy life free of exploitation than to kill them because someone wants a burger.

              • @wafflez
                11 month ago

                For their product, meat. Factory farming would exist in a communist society as well if carnism is still a popular belief system

                  • @wafflez
                    11 month ago

                    It’s immoral to mass breed and murder animals just as it would be to do the same to cats or dogs.