Is this possible at all without cheesing it with zonai devices? It feels like there’s no feasible way to work out which direction to go the cloud is just so thick.

Edit - thanks for all the replies everyone. I realise now that I did not have my lemmy app set to notify me when those happened. Whoops.

Double whoops. I pained my way through the Isles by pretty much skipping huge parts with a balloon slash fan slash tons of bright bloom seeds. Found a shrine and activated a quest related to the spirit sage. Did all that and realise I definitely shouldn’t have been there yet… But hey ho. Guess it’s time for me to go talk to Purah sppn and advance the story naturally.

  • Wolf Link 🐺
    32 years ago

    With sheer, dumb luck, everything is possible.

    … but joke aside, if you want to try it I’d recommend bringing Giant Brigthbloom Seeds. LOTS of them. Save often, so if you fall off the isles or lose your way, you can reload to a save file in which you still had a general idea in which direction you need to go. Do it immediatly after a Blood Moon so you have lots of time until enemies may respawn - you wouldn’t want to get caught in the middle of an angry mob that just resurrected. I haven’t tried out yet whether the spirits accompany you into the cloud, because I kept them turned off (these guys are super annoyying IMHO) but they might help to get rid of (or at least distract) enemies you’re not able to see, so that’s one less thing to worry about.

    If this is a second / additional playthrough, then explore the isles AFTER you have already cleared the cloud, to get a general idea of how they look and where you have to go - if you’re familiar enough with that location that you can find your way while not even paying attention, it might help you navigate while you can NOT see where you’re going.

    I can’t quite remember whether there was something unique/special at your destination that you would be able to ping with the Sheikah Sensor, but if there IS something like that, use the sensor to lead you.