Congratulations Helldiver, Your efforts in Varylia 5 has resulted in Super Earth obtaining control of the Petafactory. The EXO-49 Emancipator Exosuit is now available Helldivers (Purchase with 20,000 requisition slips at your Super Destroyer). For a limited time, SEHC has issued the EXO-49 as a mission stratagem.

SEHC has praised the Helldivers for the defence of Angel’s Venture, allowing the front to remain stable. The Terminid hivemind is now attacking Heeth with the goal of destroying the newly-constructed SEAF Training Facility.

  • @Thteven
    89 months ago

    Feels better to use than the patriot, that’s for sure. Haven’t tried it on bots yet though.

    • Jake Farm
      59 months ago

      If they are close together, it feels amazing, but if there are multiple rocket hulks you will almost instantly blow up.