Continuing the learning experience ……

Absolutely fan-effing-tastic

But, things to learn…

  • I planned ahead and bought ahead! Yay!
  • recipe manager generated a shopping list. Yay!
  • great recipes, but a lot of work to bring them all together
  • but missed one bunch of cilantro
  • saved by the meat thermometer! — the import to my recipe manager somehow lost “step 3, increase temperature to 450°”

It really pays to be flexible, and I had compromised and bought pre-made loaves of sourdough. When things were looking late, I served the gazpacho and bread as an appetizer.

The pecan pilaf was not only outstanding, but it was not at all affected by sitting in the pot 40 minutes waiting for salmon! This is a lot of work for rice but I highly recommend!

Salmon was really good (not dried out) especially with that avocado salsa, despite cooking over an hour (30 min at 165°, 15+ min getting up to temp, 20 or so at 450°, 5-10 min oh shit I didn’t allow notifications for the meat thermometer ). Kudos to salmon for being so forgiving!

  • @AA5BOPM
    14 months ago

    Anyone know where you get butcher paper? In this case, parchment worked pretty well, but Google says butcher paper is more absorbent, and this was definitely dripping