Looks like the Labour Party have finally hired someone under 60 to handle their social media. Excellent, no notes.

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    Sorta cool but risky. As tories can claim its a lie. IE no one is forced towards the military under their policy(yet).

    So the most dishonest party can claim Labour is being dishonest with voters. Something tories are very good at is whataboutism to distract their own actions. Their voters seem tuned to it.

    Labour are almost better of letting the voters and party members have their own fun. And unofficially encouraging MP candidates to link.

    • @manualoverrideOP
      79 months ago

      Well it’s pretty funny, and they did literally announce military service and people do die in military service, not a lot of ambiguity there.

      I just love how perfectly represented Richi is by the evil and diminutive Lord Farquaad.

    • @[email protected]M
      49 months ago

      If the Tories decide to waste their time debunking a meme, I reckon Labour would be pretty happy with that outcome!

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        Tory voters fell for bacon sandwich bullshit.

        And many of the traditional tory safe seat voters. Are very prown to whataboutism as an argument.

        The tory party are good at distraction politics.

        Some silly distractive comment or mean is almost garrenteed to be what narrows the gap in the last 2 weeks.

        Seriosly over confidence in shy tory voters learning their lesson. Really is something to take care over. At 53yo I have spent far far to much time under tory governments that more then 50% of voters hate.

        Tories are good at this crap.