Beautiful frescoes, rudimentary doodles, and a pair of skeletons are the latest discoveries out of Pompeii’s ongoing excavations.

In the house of the colonnaded Cenacle (Cenacolo colonnato), excavators found charcoal drawings on the walls of one corridor. Based on their rudimentary look, the team concluded they were probably made by a child. The sketches show two gladiators facing off, an eagle’s head, and a hunting scene.

Nearby, the team found more charcoal etchings: the outlines of three small hands, two more gladiatorial scenes, and an apparent boxing scene, with one of the figures lying on the ground. The boxing scene appeared to be done in a red pigment, potentially ochre.

  • @Volkditty
    24 months ago

    I am a grown ass man and the artwork in the article is about on par with what I could produce.