Four inmates escaped a south Louisiana jail over the weekend and two were still missing Tuesday, authorities said.

Authorities were unaware that four inmates had escaped until a phone call tipped them off, the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office said Monday.

The inmates escaped in pairs — the first on Saturday afternoon and the second on Sunday, said Deputy Chief Jimmy Travis at a news conference, WVUE-TV reported. Travis said all four broke through a corroded piece of chain-link fence, crawled under an 8-inch (20-centimeter) gap in a wall, and scaled two razor-wire fences.

Jail authorities learned of two of the escapes Sunday afternoon when a tipster reported seeing two of the inmates at a relative’s house looking for a place to stay.

  • Flying Squid
    110 months ago

    Can you link whatever comment(s) you misread to mean anything like that?

    I could, but then you did all the personal attacks and along with a bunch of lies about me immediately following that question, so nah.

    • @stanleytweedle
      10 months ago

      I guess you made up something terrible about me to make yourself feel better about having let yourself engage in casual bigotry. Typical. You’re dealing with a lot of cognitive dissonance right now.

      Out for the day- see you tomorrow if you’re still obsessed!

      • Flying Squid
        10 months ago

        Ah, you’re doing the “I’m rubber, you’re glue” thing. Let’s go through your previous statement and show all the personal attacks and lies, shall we?

        Can you link whatever comment(s) you misread to mean anything like that? Also thanks- weirdly flattering you’re that obsessed with me [Personal attack and lie]

        Also not saying this is what’s happening but your behavior seems exactly like what you’d expect from someone that identifies as socially enlightened but knows they just got called on casual bigotry. [Personal attack] Extreme defensiveness and attacking the credibility of the person that made the challenge. Just saying you fit the profile pretty exactly. [Personal attack]

        But that could be a good sign. You’ll never admit to me what you learned about yourself today [Lie, I learned nothing about myself from you] but a decent person will learn and make adjustments anyway. I think there’s still a chance you’re a decent person and will do just that after you get over being angry at me.[Lie.]

        I’ll just start flagging you for the personal attacks and lies, shall I?

        Edit: Done.

          • Flying Squid
            210 months ago

            I’m not sure why you don’t know that flagging and reporting are the same things, but they are.

            And now we will continue with why I am flagging this latest comment:

            What does ‘flagging’ mean? If you really feel ‘attacked’ by those statements just report me and move on. Threatening to ‘flag’ me is kinda pathetic. [Lie because as I said in my edit I did, in fact, flag you so it was not a threat, and a personal attack.]

            Also you openly lied about finding objectionable things in my post history [Lie, I found them and I will be happy to provide them when you stop lying and making personal attacks and apologize for your previous lies and personal attacks.] so doesn’t seem like you have much of a let to stand on about personal attacks and lies.

            But all this still paints a picture of someone desperate to make me out to be an awful person [Lie] to distract from the realization that you engaged in casual bigotry.

            • @stanleytweedle
              110 months ago

              Honestly love how hard you’re working on being a victim here, genuinely impressed.

              But looks like lucky for you this is @JonsJava territory. That dude has your back against me no matter what you say.

              So good luck reconciling your identity with that casual bigotry. I’m going to dip out and go get banned from all the subs that guy mods.

              • Flying Squid
                210 months ago

                Honestly love how hard you’re working on being a victim here, [Lie and personal attack] genuinely impressed.

                But looks like lucky for you this is @JonsJava territory. That dude has your back against me no matter what you say. [Lie, I have no idea who that is]

                So good luck reconciling your identity with that casual bigotry. [Personal attack]

                I’m going to dip out and go get banned from all the subs that guy mods.

                I honestly could not care less.

                  • Flying Squid
                    210 months ago

                    I’m going to dip out

                    So this was another lie.

                    I wonder how many more times you will prove that to be a lie?

                    And then there’s this-

                    You cared enough to reply.

                    I cared enough to reply to your comment. I couldn’t care less about your issue with some person I don’t know, but do please keep boring me with your argument with a mod.