• @[email protected]
    464 months ago

    The media went nutty after he looked to have a decent lead up to the primaries so suddenly every story was about how Bernie loves Fidel Castro and communism, even so-called “liberal propaganda” MSNBC had their talking heads going on about how Bernie would quite literally have them executed.

    America literally cannot have a president that isn’t right wing or centrist, we’re not allowed to.

    • @jaybone
      74 months ago

      Well yeah, but it was more Hillary and the superdelegates (that should be a band) fucking him over.

    • @[email protected]
      54 months ago


      On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders spent the first part of 2015 categorized as a likely loser who received very little media attention (indeed, the whole Democratic contest received relatively little attention until it became competitive). But once he gained traction, Bernie got some media buzz, and it wound up giving him the most positive media coverage of any candidate in either party, at least through 2015:

      As his poll numbers ticked upward, [Sanders] was portrayed as a “gaining ground” candidate, a favorable storyline buttressed by reports of increasingly large crowds and enthusiastic followers. “The overflow crowds Sanders has been drawing in Iowa and New Hampshire,” said USA Today, “are signs that there is ‘a real hunger’ for a substantive discussion about Americans’ economic anxieties … .” The “real hunger” extended also to journalists, who are drawn to a candidate who begins to make headway against an odds-on favorite.


      Sanders’ coverage in 2015 was the most favorable of any of the top candidates, Republican or Democratic. For her part, Hillary Clinton had by far the most negative coverage of any candidate.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      Immediately following the debates you had Chris Matthews saying Sanders winning would lead to executions in Central Park.

      The rhetoric surrounding Bernie in the media was ugly.