• nintendiator
    51 year ago

    The issue starts when everyone gets a blanket pay raise across industries and communities for no reason.

    And this is the failure of your theory. The raise is not “for no reason”, that’s just capitalism apologia talk. it’s because being in a community (aka: society) now costs more.

    • @toasteranimationOP
      41 year ago

      this is the thing that the HAVEs (and their apologists) won’t look at directly in the eye. When you can easily absorb rises in the COL, it doesn’t occur to you that it’s literally killing other people.

      The raises in pay should mirror inflation. Period.

      • nintendiator
        21 year ago

        Actually, they should more-than-mirror inflation.

        See, most people only have one job, so one source of payment. But they have N expenditures: health, food, electricity, transportation.

        If inflation increases those general prices 20%, that’s 4 (or 5, or 6, or…) 20% increases in cost. Since currently wages are already lower than the cost of living, a raise in pay mirroring inflation would allow it to cover for one of those increases, on average, so the employee now has actually become poorer than before.