• @UnderpantsWeevil
    404 months ago

    I’m beginning to think Trump is just throwing things against the wall to see what sticks.

    • @ameancow
      204 months ago

      I’m beginning to think he doesn’t have values of his own and has discovered that he can easily keep dangling simplistic talking points in front of America’s most ignorant and most vulnerable segment of simpletons and morons.

      • @UnderpantsWeevil
        64 months ago

        I might take it one step further and say that these aren’t Trump’s ideas. These are fossil fuel industry talking points that get pumped through a rich network of right wing talk radio dorks and Brietbart style news feeds and Joe Rogan guests.

        Trump and his ilk are just the guys who can turn a talking point about “nobody is buying electric cars” into a real policy of “nobody is allowed to buy electric cars from over the border”.

      • @TankovayaDiviziya
        4 months ago

        It worked for him before-- it might work again. He is still neck to neck with Biden in polling after all.

        • @ameancow
          4 months ago

          The probability we’re going to have Trump for a second term is so much higher than anyone realizes and it terrifies me every time some Millennial/GenZ shrugs and says “there’s no way that dude is getting in” with no intention of voting, because I have seen all this before.

          • @TankovayaDiviziya
            14 months ago

            Younger folks are just electorally apathetic. This isn’t exclusive to GenZ and Millenials, if you look back on voter records in the '60s and '70s, even the young boomers at the time also did not vote in droves. It is an age thing more than any specific generational traits.

    • dch82
      124 months ago

      Always has been… 🧑‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀

    • @acetanilide
      64 months ago

      Is the wall you’re referring to the one Mexico paid for?

      • DMBFFF
        24 months ago

        “It a beautiful wall, a fantastic wall, just look at it, ain’t it the best wall ever built? Didn’t I tell you, ‘promise made, promise kept.’?”

    • @TheJims
      14 months ago

      He spitballs everything hoping that one day he might be right about something.