I want to put the steak onto a hot pan to get that sear on the outside and uh lock in the flavor or something. But butter burns at high heats and oil doesn’t add flavor like butter.

Is there a way I can get the best of both? A nice sear but still cook in butter?

Says it’s a stirlon for example.

  • @KimjongTOOILL
    18 months ago

    Yeah thinner or cheaper cuts I go with Ramseys method. If I have time, even with the thinner cuts, I’ll salt it and leave it in the fridge for like 8 hours though.

    Altons new method for the sear involves leaving an iron pan on the oven for 10 minutes just to heat the pan, 600° if you have an infrared. 45 second sear each side, so that might fix the sear problem if you did want to give it a shot.
