Got back in to this hobby about a year ago. Currently only have a 20 gallon tank, which houses 12 fishes, making it a community tank.

Things have been great but have to admit I have lost some due to not knowing what I was doing.

Fast forward and things have calmed down, without any others dying. Nitrate has been a constant battle which has led me to weekly water changes (50%). Also as of late but cutting how much I feed them in basically in half.

What it seems to be happening is that one of my Goldfish who is currently all white (used to be gray) is now turning orange. Is this normal?

  • @[email protected]OP
    17 months ago

    Amazing write up / information!

    Any chance the store was Jacks Aquariums? Loved going there as a kid.

    So all other perameters are good - (pH,nitrates and ammonia. Its just the nitrates that are bad.

    I do have another 20 gallon tank. Would it be worthwhile and moving the three goldfish over here? Sounds like it wouldn’t be a good idea.

    Once again thank you for the information

    • @s38b35M5
      7 months ago

      As the other commenter posted, a 20g just isn’t big enough to support them. But the fish in the existing 20 sure would appreciate if the goldies moved!

      I worked at a different shop.