edit: I have changed my title to match the new NYTimes headline. Sorry about the all caps, I guess they are really excited about this lol

Also shoutout to @[email protected] who shared a gift article link in the comments. I hope you don’t mind but I kinda stole it and updated the post

  • @[email protected]
    3810 months ago

    I absolutely do not want a ban on felons running for President. In some countries, that is used as a political tool to eliminate political opponents. Putin used that against Navalny.


    Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been formally barred from competing in next year’s presidential election.

    The Central Electoral Commission has said Mr Navalny was ineligible because of a corruption conviction which he says is politically motivated.

    He has urged his supporters to boycott the March vote.

    Mr Navalny, 41, was widely regarded as the only candidate with a chance of challenging President Vladimir Putin.

    • @jeffwOPM
      10 months ago

      Not to mention, Trump won’t even be the first person in the USA who could be running for president from jail.

      edit: the first from a major party though, sorry Debs

    • @[email protected]
      1010 months ago

      His felonies are related to campaing financing, which could be used to narrow down without banning all felons. While I oppose anyone losing the right to vote, I don’t oppose people who are connvicted of treason, insurrection, or felonies related to campaign finance or abuse of elected positions being banned since they have been proven to have undermined democracy.

    • @GoofSchmoofer
      610 months ago

      I get allowing former felons to run for office - they served time that society said was their punishment. They are done with it.

      But a law that bans a felon that has not completed their punishment is a different story.

    • @grue
      110 months ago

      All the more reason for the Republicans to support it, TBH.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      We’ve banned them from voting for decades.

      Also, the USA isn’t Russia and Biden isn’t Putin.