Gamers like to make it sound like $70 is a new thing today for video games. When, I’ve seen adverts of games back in late 90s and early 90s that were priced $70. It’s always been around so I find it ridiculous that so many of them complain that the pricing is too high when, it’s been a thing.

Even more dumb is that sales are stupidly frequent so why even bother trying to pay $70 anyways besides FOMO.

  • @Donebrach
    422 days ago

    If you were buying “new” games on floppy disks for $5 in the 90’s, what, pray tell, where those games? Prance of Parma? Semper Maria?

    • @over_clox
      122 days ago

      Ken’s Labyrinth, Mystic Towers, a single level of Epic Pinball…

      Yeah they were cheap, but affordable for a young teenager…