Very cool social commentary, I think better than the Orville episode with the Up and Downvote society.

Though, at the end, I did hate everybody and wanted them to be eaten.

I do question having two “doctor lite” episodes back to back.

Imteresting music choices too… Didn’t we just have the Flying Purple People Eater? Now we have Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini…

Edit My bad, Flying Purple People Eater was in X-Men '97, which I also just watched. Easy mistake to make!

If next episode is Everybody’s Heard About the Bird…

  • Electric
    119 months ago

    I’m just wondering how a whole planet got eaten by slugs. Or why slugs were needed at all.

    • @jordanlundOP
      99 months ago

      Well, they wouldn’t put their phones down…

      But yeah, it seems to me the slug thing was not needed since they revealed it was the Dot killing everyone anyway.

      All it had to do was walk someone into an open elevator shaft or off the top of a building or into traffic.

      Shit, GPS is doing that NOW:

      and has been for a while now…

      • LaserdisctTurtle
        79 months ago

        Maybe the dots had grown to hate the inhabitants of Finetown so much that they just enjoyed watching them get eaten by slugs. I mean sure they could just headbutt them to death…but which is funnier?

        After the end of the episode I can totally understand that point of view.

        • @jordanlundOP
          69 months ago

          I could totally see that… plus the slugs dispose of the bodies, keeping the city neat and clean.

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            I could see the slugs already existing as a waste disposal solution and the dots just ‘redirecting’ them too…

      • Random Dent
        59 months ago

        Maybe the slugs made the dots and they’re just smarter and cooler than we assume? I have no idea really lol

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      I am also very confused about the slug part because the dot is supposedly killing in alphabetical order. Yet the dot was going to have her walk into a slug in the elevator a while before her name was up.

      Apparently this entity cares so much about the alphabet it stopped targeting her to go after the september guy so what gives?

      Someone theorized the slugs may hold you and kill you off when its your time but the list the dr uses to realize its in alphabetical time isn’t time of death, its time of disappearance. These slugs do capture on video so If people cant have been alive inside a slug without anyone or themselves noticing.

      • Electric
        29 months ago

        Very good points. After watching the final episode, I don’t think the writers very much cared to do any good explaining this season.