Fundamentalist preachers are weird the world over, regardless of religion. Islam has gone through phases of (relative, it IS still an Abrahamic religion) LGBT-friendliness and LGBT-hostility. Extremely LGBT hostile 18th-19th century AD Wahhabist inspired fundamentalism is popular right now, and like extremely LGBT hostile 18th-19th century AD inspired Christian evangelical fundamentalism, it is rife with absurdity and absurd preachers.
My point was that the current trend of LGBT hostility in Islam stems from the popularity of Wahhabist ideology, which itself only dates to the 18th-19th century AD.
Fundamentalist preachers are weird the world over, regardless of religion. Islam has gone through phases of (relative, it IS still an Abrahamic religion) LGBT-friendliness and LGBT-hostility. Extremely LGBT hostile 18th-19th century AD Wahhabist inspired fundamentalism is popular right now, and like extremely LGBT hostile 18th-19th century AD inspired Christian evangelical fundamentalism, it is rife with absurdity and absurd preachers.
It does seem that gay fundamentals the world over cope with what would otherwise be intense self-hatred by projecting
You don’t need to go all the way back to the 19th century to find persecution of LBGT people in Muslim countries. 3 men were executed by gunshots to the head in 2015 for being gay in Libya, and a Nigerian Islamic Court ordered a man be stoned to death in 2022. There plenty more cases of execution for homosexuality in Muslim lead countries. You will easily find them if you look for them.
My point was that the current trend of LGBT hostility in Islam stems from the popularity of Wahhabist ideology, which itself only dates to the 18th-19th century AD.