• magnetosphere
      9 months ago

      So is EVERY generation.

      Edit: apparently some people refuse to accept the concept of linear time. Seems a bit quixotic to me, but okay.

      • @Stovetop
        159 months ago

        Millennials are in the “Oh fuck I’m ‘the Man’ now” phase.

        • Rikudou_Sage
          179 months ago

          Are we? Still too poor to own stuff because generations before us are hoarding riches like they could take them to the grave.

          • @Stovetop
            59 months ago

            Most of us have sold our souls to corporate overlords to put scraps on the table and keep leaking rooves above our heads. We’re not the ruling class but we’re the drones who aren’t allowed to be fun anymore.

            That, and to the youth of today, we’re now supposed to be the old people who don’t get them, like how our parents had no clue what was up with the Pokemans.

            I used to teach in public schools in the area, but even outside of that environment I know enough about what the students are into and how they talk, because yeah, I spend a lot of time online and play video games and live and breathe memes. But you can never let kids think you’re trying to be hip by letting them know you like the same things they like, because in most cases that just ruins it for them. They obviously want their own circles, and we are by necessity outside of it.

            • ℉ⅈℕℹℸℽ
              29 months ago

              @Stovetop @rikudou ah, you’re so right man. That’s a great insight there at the end. I’m 39 and have two young kids and most of the time just want them to learn and have fun. You’re right - sometimes the game is me just staying out of their fun with others.

          • Captain Aggravated
            39 months ago

            Yeah it’s like “Oh fuck I should be The Man by now what the fuck is going on?”

    • @ccunning
      39 months ago

      Try living in the shadow of boomers with no support. We were helpless (okokok; also apathetic). I for one am glad to have the backup of the following generations. Even if each successive generation is more inscrutable to me than the previous.

    • Dr. Bob
      29 months ago

      Waiting for those fuckers to retire? You bet.