Post your results and discuss your guesses. Have fun!
Note: there will be spoilers in the thread, so try it first.

  • hitstun
    9 months ago

    Indeed, it’s very important that you know the four-green-letter traps and account for them in your strategy. Revealing green letters too fast will reduce your guessing space and lead to defeat. Make sure you guess common consonants like RTLCN early so you have fewer possible solutions when a trap comes.

    Most common four-green-letter traps: _ight, _ound, _atch, _ower, sha_e, _aste, _atty, _aunt, _illy, gra_e, s_ore, and sta_e

    Most common three-green-letter traps: _a_er, _o_er, _i_er, __ing, s_a_e, __lly, _ra_e, and sta_ _

    If you were playing Wordle in German, you would have very different letters to guess first and traps to avoid. I hear it’s very difficult.

      • hitstun
        9 months ago

        We currently play the New York Times Wordle, where creator Josh Wardle sold the game in 2022. Wordle has a dedicated editor there, like NYT’s famous crosswords. I have an account there but I only use it to save my Wordle stats.

        If NYT screws around and starts charging money for the game, or if they start showing ads the we can’t block with ad-blocking browsers, we as a community can agree to jump ship to another version of the game. I’ve always liked Alex Berk’s mod of pre-NYT Wordle.