Summary: The video discusses the rising cost of living in the UK over the past 14 years, from 2010 to 2024. People in the video express their shock at how expensive everyday items and services have become.

The video opens with a discussion about the price of a pint. In 2010, the average cost of a pint was £2.81, whereas in 2024, it is estimated to be around £7. People in the video attribute the rise in pub closures to the increased cost of beer.

Housing is another topic covered in the video. The average house deposit in the UK in 2010 was £28,770. In 2024, it is estimated to be around £85,53k. People in the video claim that it is nearly impossible for young people to save up for a house on their own. The rent situation is similar. The average rent for a room in London in 2010 was £536. In 2024, it is estimated to be £995.

The rising cost of living also affects healthcare. In 2010, there were 2.34 million people on the NHS waiting list. In 2024, that number has grown to 6.29 million. People in the video express their fear of needing medical attention because of the long wait times.

Another point discussed in the video is the number of children living in poverty. In 2010, there were 3.6 million children living in poverty. In 2024, that number is estimated to be 4.3 million. People in the video blame the government for these issues. They argue that the government is prioritizing funding the military over social services.

  • GreatAlbatrossM
    48 months ago

    Last pound pint night I went to, I swear they were watering them down.

    It was still a messy evening, mind.

    2015, so not that long ag…oh shit…

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      Mmmmm 2015… A time when you could go months without hearing a single thing about Trump… sigh

    • @theo
      28 months ago

      Still had them in 2019 in North Wales. They served the cider with squash to make them a bit more tolerable :D

      • @fox2263
        18 months ago

        I just miss 2005

          • @fox2263
            18 months ago

            Pound a pint nights at the local nightclub. Used to go out with a tenner and come back unconscious.