With the free plan I can receive mail to [email protected] address, but if I reply to a message sent to this address I can’t edit the sender field before switching to a paid plan. But if I switch plans are those sender addresses limited to any numbe? Note, I’m referring strictly to username+somestring (and username+anotherstring) style addresses, not to addresses that would contain different username part. Those are limited, ofc.

  • BingBong
    19 months ago

    Simple login will appear as from the alias when you respond to an email received through that alias. It does not however (IIRC) change the sender field that the user sees from your default.

    • @asdfasdfasdf
      19 months ago

      Sure, but we’re talking about being able to select a Sender from the ProtonMail UI. It would be awesome if PM could do that, and it’s a highly requested feature. That would basically be the same as having it integrated so that the PM UI could allow you to choose a reverse SL alias when sending instead of navigating to SL, creating it manually, then copying and pasting into the To field.