The monk, the paci(fying)fist, best Exalted Weapon frame - Baruuk!

Release date: 2018-12-18

Passive: Baruuk’s tolerance for violence wanes as his hand is forced by his foes. Restraint is a resource unique to Baruuk that provides up to 50% Damage Reduction when the meter is completely depleted.
Elude - Dodge all incoming projectiles, but only while not attacking. Use again to deactivate this ability.
Lull - A calming wave slows enemies until they fall into a slumber. Enemies woken by damage will be confused and disoriented. Short-term amnesia means all waking enemies forget anything that happened before the lull.
Desolate Hands - Summon a bevy of orbiting daggers to seek out enemy guns, destroying them with a small explosion. Combine with Elude to double the range.
Serene Storm - With his Restraint eroded, Baruuk commands the Desert Wind to deliver powerful radial strikes with his fists and feet. Each moment commanding the storm restores his Restraint.

Acquisition: Blueprints can be purchased from Little Duck of Vox Solaris. The main blueprint requires players to be at Rank 2 - Agent, while component blueprints require Rank 3 - Hand.

  • @CheeseNoodle
    19 months ago

    Lamp helmet. (Sorry I don’t really use him)