• @[email protected]
    79 months ago

    That’s not AI, that’s just a program easily able to do that without all the “AI” garbage technology. Why do we all of a sudden think that every solution computing does is “AI” now? For fuck’s sake.

    • @exanime
      149 months ago

      Because the average person out there could not make “just a program”… the promise of AI is that anyone can be a programmer now…

      In reality, I would bet a full morning of prompting ChatGPT wouldn’t produce what the lady is asking for accurately

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        So AI can magically see everything in your refrigerator, pantry, etc, right? Oh wait. You need a program created so you can enter what you have and don’t have.

        Goddamn, AI is now literally magic to you people. Pathetic.

          • @Alexstarfire
            29 months ago

            Yea, I kind of got the impression the end game is for there to be a system that can literally see what’s in your fridge and figure out what you are low on. Processing the images is definitely something AI would be useful for, as well as figuring out what “low” means for individuals. If I have less than 5-6 different hot sauces, I’m running low.

            • @exanime
              19 months ago

              Not the end game… they literally “demoed” this…

              Of course, as at least half the stuff out there on “AI” it turned out to be faker than an Elon promise… but it’s reasonable to see people believe this is possible considering the vast amount of fake advertising all AI companies have been pumping

              • @Alexstarfire
                19 months ago

                I’m referring to what kind of system the person who Tweeted is imagining. Something that doesn’t exist yet as far as I’m aware. I’m not sure of what product you’re referring to. All the existing ones are pretty useless IMO.

                • @exanime
                  19 months ago

                  Agreed on the useless… the system I was referring to was the Rabbit R1 which proved to be a complete scam… but one of their demo/commercials shows a guy saying “hmm that was delicious, check the fridge and make sure to order all missing ingredients to prepare this dinner again tomorrow”

                  In practice, some youtuber demoed it and after long ackward pause, the device says “sorry, the uber eats API is not working” or something hilariously related but wrong

                  Here is the video… hilarious


          • @[email protected]
            09 months ago

            Sigh. I give up. Enjoy being taken over by AI, you masochistic freaks. For fuck’s sake. This is the easiest goddamn thing ever to understand, that AI is a bloated, power-sucking, privacy-stealing, cheating, stealing pile of garbage. Everyone should be on the side of “fuck AI”. Everyone.

            Of course, I guess I should have expected a world full of fucking idiot flat earthers, vegans, Trump supporters, goddamn theists who still believe in a goddamn invisible sky friend in 2024, moon landing denialists, and so many other brainless cretins to actually support one of the worst technologies to ever come along. How fucking dystopian is it for a goddamn company to have all this data of your food stocks when you can build an application that you manually fill out and update to rely on itself and nothing else to tell you when things are going down? Enjoy pointing a camera at your damn food 24/7. People are literally this goddamn lazy.

            How about this: go to the store every week and write down what you need before you leave? How fucking hard is that? Is that too fucking 20th century for you? Too much brain power needed?

            Fuck all of you AI loving freaks who are destroying this society.

            • @exanime
              19 months ago


              Dude we are misunderstanding each other here…

              I am not defending AI at all… in fact, from your comment it seems we both hate it equally.

              All I was saying is that they have already “shown” this magical scanning of fridge as a function already available… it turned out to be complete garbage and fake (as most of the AI over hype they have pumped) but they did. Please note I actually posted as “in what turned out to be one of the many AI scams

              Here is the vid where they “showed” how this is supposed to work and how it actually flops hilariously: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLvFc_24vSM

              Going back to the original thread, my intention was to say that AI was promised as a way for anyone to be a programmer now. That is not me saying it, that is literally what was pumped out. To an extend, a very short extend, this is true. You can get a little script going or maybe even some heavy Excel spreadsheet manipulation with AI tools and not knowing any code. But that is the end of it.

              What I have been able to confirm AI doing is about 30% of what is being promised out there… literally the “pro” vs “nailed it” discrepancy. I also agree with you in that this bit of AI that does work is not worth the harm we are doing to jobs, the environment, etc

    • @[email protected]
      49 months ago

      A program that can deduce what groceries you need to buy is a type of AI. AI is a much broader category than the LLM stuff that everyone is currently paying attention to. Most things in the field of AI don’t have particularly awe inspiring appearances, so companies don’t feel compelled to advertise that it’s AI because people expect AI to be “like people” which precludes the vast majority of applications.

      • @[email protected]
        -19 months ago

        if (amount_of_bread < bread_threshold) list.bread++;

        That’s not AI. That’s simple programming. Holy fuck, people have no idea what computing even is any more now that this sci-fi buzzword AI is out there.

        • @[email protected]
          39 months ago

          I think where we drifted apart was when I was paying attention to the usage of the word “anticipate”.
          If you run out of milk every week and buy more, an intelligent system would know to add it to the list even though you currently have milk. You also would probably want the system to figure out what bread_threshold was dynamically, rather than having to hard code it.

          It kinda sounds like you’re the one with the sci-fi conception of what AI is if you think that simple machine learning and pattern recognition algorithms aren’t examples of it.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          I’ll let you in on a little secret in the field of AI as someone who’s job is AI (computational linguistics); AI is, and has always been, mostly just a fancy word for algorithms, a bunch of if-else/switch/match statements. It doesn’t have to be complex…

          That being said, you’re underestimating how much engineering would go into a program that calculates the groceries you need to buy and where/when. Especially so if it’s supposed to be automated, e.g. you’re not just putting in how much bread you have currently every time you use bread.