If I had a nickel for every one I’ve seen, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t much, but it’s strange it happened twice.

And I have no idea what it means.

A couple of examples:

One and two.

  • @Paragone
    -68 months ago

    You might know that nearly-all of the US currency was created very-recently…

    You might know that when you double the amount of currency, you halve the value of each unit of that currency ( this is the essence of “inflation” )

    The money printer is essentially how the US has been “managing” its economy: print money REALLY fast, & hope that nobody notices while the shell-games go on, changing ownerships, rigging corporations, etc…

    but when it all comes crashing down, then … accountability will just go POOF!, same like usual, with institutional-authority…


    Scroll-down a bit, & see the graph with the pale-blue color on it… look at that graph, which shows how the amount of US money in circulation nearly-doubled in 2020…

    The lead line in that article is important, too: 100y of debt gained in 1/2y.

    Corrupt authority, both private & public, won’t ever tolerate either accountability or responsibility…

    it’s the others who will be forced to pay, of course…

    However, misregulation, disregulation, & bald-faced corruption do make the damage happen faster.

    _ /\ _

    • @Paragone
      -38 months ago

      PS: I’d left this implied, but it ought be explained…

      IF the current-powers-that-be can just print money to make a fake “good economy”,

      THEN why can’t we do so, too?