• @KISSmyOSFeddit
    9 months ago

    It’s not doublethink. It’s the belief that separate classes of people exist - “hard workers” who “create value” and rightfully become rich - and “lazy people” who just work because they have to and would otherwise do nothing. The people who push this propaganda see themselves in the first group, and if they aren’t yet rich, that’s because the liberals and commies prevent it. And they see the majority of others in the second group.

    • @unreasonabro
      129 months ago

      players vs npcs, latest iteration of this old story

    • Ænima
      99 months ago

      Came to a recent epiphany that we have proof that people would still work even if basic needs were provided without worry…

      Simulation Video Games

      Many people, myself included, play a lot of job simulator games. I found myself asking, while playing some of these what makes this more fun than doing it in real life and the answer was almost always the pay for the job and the basic needs not existing.

      Turns out, the old adage of giving someone UBI, and having it turn everyone into lazy layabouts, is bullshit. We may actually choose to work if we didn’t have to worry about how the cost of my labor would need to be spent to keep myself alive, and not merely extra to throw back in the system.

      Shipbreaker, Power Wash Simulator, and Euro Truck Simulator are a few games I’ve enjoyed playing, but would never do IRL.

    • @IzzyScissor
      49 months ago

      Yep, conservatives think they aren’t “poor”, just a temporarily disgraced billionaire. They’ll get it back in just a minute. You just watch.

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      Hey! Someone who understands the convoluted minds of conservatives!

      I’ll point out though, this isn’t really a conservative mindset… It’s a capitalist mindset. The difference isn’t obvious since almost every conservative I’ve ever known is a capitalist.