This was my first real dive into Arduino and multiple button mapping. It took a significant amount of trouble shooting and learning the software to get things to map to the computer action.

Gif of the action

Prototype 1:Started this project before I had a laser cutter and had tried to just drill through acrylic. It didn’t work well, but it held my buttons during testing

Prototype 2 Still no laser cutter but I cut out using plywood worked much better for manually cutting out the holes

Prototype 3 Much better

  • @[email protected]
    12 years ago

    Thanks ! Do you have to precisely take into account the width of the laser ? Or do the tolerances allow some < 1 mm errors ?

    • @[email protected]OPM
      22 years ago

      I have never needed to adjust for laser kerf with that site. Put in the thickness of the material and it does the rest.