More efficient manufacturing, falling battery costs and intense competition are lowering sticker prices for battery-powered models to within striking distance of gasoline cars.

  • @Wogi
    -421 days ago


    Most Americans are perfectly fine with it as long as their cell phone works and there’s food on the table.

    The number of us that are horrified by what America’s done to get where it is is vanishingly small.

    Almost half of this country is about to vote for a racist tyrannical idiot because he says the quiet part loud. A sizable number of people aren’t committed to voting against the Cheeto tyrant. And a number of the people that are committed to voting against him aren’t all that upset about the atrocities committed in their name, for shit as stupid as access to fucking tropical fruit.

    • @RubberElectrons
      421 days ago

      I don’t agree.

      Unfortunately, you’re a perfect example of the success of messaging being broadcast directly to deflate the sense of power and ability we all have, in spite of the walls confining us for tropical fruit.

      Follow your thoughts to their conclusion, as designed: we’ve broken too much, and they’re too powerful, there’s nothing we can do.

      It’s not true.

      • @Wogi
        -321 days ago

        Sadly your vague platitudes disagree with reality and don’t directly respond to anything I said.