• @Paragone
    09 months ago

    I’d read somewhere that this program averaged over $300,000 per supported-addict per year, of taxpayer cost.

    Having tried participating in “charities” before, I find that number ABSOLUTELY BELIEVABLE.

    The US’s United Way pours millions of donated-dollars into the personal-wallowing-wealth of its executives.

    It will be a “fine, pleasant, moderate, & reasonable” day in hell, before I’ll believe that the category “not for profits” is any less corrupt than the other categories ( for-profit operations, governments ).

    I hope it was wrong information I saw, disinformation, rather than truth/fact, but … no “charity” that I’ve every tangled with would tolerate limiting administration’s wealth for sake of honesty.


    _ /\ _

    • @mecfs
      69 months ago

      Not-for-profits just means they are less corrupt. (Doesn’t stop them from being very corrupt).