Getting around to processing it all, which means removing most from the larger stems and giving it a quick brush with the canna brush to remove some sugar leaves.
Getting around to processing it all, which means removing most from the larger stems and giving it a quick brush with the canna brush to remove some sugar leaves.
It seems to do an okay job? It’s basically just a glorified kitchen baster brush. It’s not doing a good job on the moister pieces, but if its dry it just flakes right off.
Honestly it was pay $50 in shipping or add a $30 something for free shipping, and this thing looked cool.¤cy=CAD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4-2Vx8LFhgMV_gytBh24MhgaEAQYASABEgKq_fD_BwE
I usually just leave most of the sugar leaves on, but figured I’d give this a go and see if it was better on my hands, it was not.