In effect, Mr. Trump’s candidacy is becoming a referendum on what kind of justice system the country believes it has now and wants to have in the future

  • @[email protected]
    319 months ago

    Yes. Otherwise, a bad guy like Trump could push to have his political enemies convicted of random stuff just to put them in prison and keep them from running against him. Like Putin and Navalny, for example.

    • @something_random_tho
      159 months ago

      Of course the author of the law assumed that Americans would never be stupid enough to put an obvious, convicted felon and fraud into the presidency, but here we are.

    • @[email protected]
      79 months ago

      This is why prisoners and felons need to be able to vote also. It wouldn’t be all that difficult for Republicans to slap enough people in swing states with Felonies to change the election. We are talking about only thousands of votes in some instances.