Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling is touting the nation's second-largest police department as fully prepared for protests ahead of the Democratic National Convention, including on a new mass arrest policy
How do we feel about this? Article makes it sound like there will be a greater emphasis on deëscalation and oversight, but is that enough of a change?
During the mass protest that erupted in Chicago over George Bush Jr.'s announcement that US troops were going into Iraq, the Mayor colluded with Police to unconstitutionally mass arrest and jail hundreds of peaceful protesters. It took almost a decade, but the city paid out a huge settlement to those arrested while engaged in first amendment protected activities.
During the mass protest that erupted in Chicago over George Bush Jr.'s announcement that US troops were going into Iraq, the Mayor colluded with Police to unconstitutionally mass arrest and jail hundreds of peaceful protesters. It took almost a decade, but the city paid out a huge settlement to those arrested while engaged in first amendment protected activities.