How often do you shave? How long does it take you? How do you do it?

Just curious as it feels like a chore for me. I usually do a with the grain shave with a safety razor and no product since I don’t have a lot of time and that gives the least irritation, but it’s not a close shave. I see guys that get stupid close shaves and I often wonder how much time they spend on it.

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    I also shave with a safety razor/shavette and spend about twice as long for a close shave as only the first pass. Also being the type worried for time, I’ve clocked myself and typically end up at just under 4 minutes including warm-up, post-shave creams, brushing, and oiling.

    You go once with the grain, once across it (90 degrees) and then once against it but with a lower angle than the others (so you don’t cut/irritate unnecessarily). Lather before each pass as per usual. The time to get everything set up and work up the first lather is longer than going another two passes.

    Edit to add: I shave like this about every other day, but let it go over weekends, or other times I resent my worksona. I have chosen shaving gear to make it fun though, with a nice brush & bowl, a nice smelling shaving soap, etc. My best trick was to find a better suited razor blade, Dorco Platinum, makes it easy, fun and lasts me two weeks before having to change. I’m sure other brands are great too, that’s just the best one I have available.

    I’m trying to grow out a beard, so I don’t trim it down, but shape it once a week with some scissors and a comb.

    Back when I couldn’t be bothered, I mostly grew it wild, brushed and shaped it 1-2 times/week, and trimmed it down in length every few months. Nowadays we have barbershops around and I can have a professional style it while I get a haircut.