A “dishwasher” that’s really cheap. Why, you ask? Well, because you need to rinse your dishes thoroughly before using the dishwasher.
In reality it’s just a box with a speaker so that it sounds like a dishwasher. If any customer complains, just tell them that they need to pre wash their dishes better.
The dish washing machine does it for you.
It would be like vacuuming your house by yourself before your Roomba turns on.
Unethical product idea:
A “dishwasher” that’s really cheap. Why, you ask? Well, because you need to rinse your dishes thoroughly before using the dishwasher.
In reality it’s just a box with a speaker so that it sounds like a dishwasher. If any customer complains, just tell them that they need to pre wash their dishes better.
Y’all trust your Roombas?
I got another Roomba just to keep the other one honest (and rescue missions).
Watching a friend’s house and literally just had to rescue a Roomba that somehow jammed itself under a cabinet, and it was in there good.