Hi, Linux! I’ve been using Linux for many years now, but haven’t moved distros in awhile. I’m considering it now, and I really would like to migrate over all my customized system and software settings. So far, I am thinking of backing up everything that begins with a dot in my home folder, all of my systemd service files, and user/root crontabs. I know this is missing some things, but I’m not sure what. Any advice/warnings/examples people care to share?

  • GustavoM
    2 years ago

    Can’t give you any “advice” other than to “just let it happen” – you’ll need to get those linux commands written on your forehead anyways. i.e don’t backup anything, rewrite/reinstall the whole thing from scratch until you’ve memorized (at the very least) 80% of it.

    t. Did this exact thing for a couple months.