• @[email protected]
    2723 days ago

    There’s no doubt that Israelis are killing Palestinian people in much larger numbers than Palestinians are killing Israelis. Many people have many views on who is responsible for what, and there are a lot of difficult and complicated discussions that one might have, but for you to forget about all of the Palestinians who lost their lives is just disgraceful.

    • @Serinus
      1623 days ago

      And vice versa. It’s known as the most complicated political quagmire of centuries. If you’re rooting for strictly one side or the other, you’re probably wrong.

      Yes, it’s perfectly reasonable to want the war to stop. Once you start going farther than that…

      Don’t allow people to push you to an extreme because you want to view your argument as a team sport.

      • @[email protected]
        -223 days ago

        If you’re rooting for strictly one side or the other, you’re probably wrong

        The centrist take here really doesn’t work, it’s not a complicated problem. The Israeli state has been illegally settling land that already belonged to Palestinian citizens (illegally according to the UN, not to my ass), and Hamas spawned as a consequence of the people being forcibly removed under threat of violence. Israel is an apartheid settler state, and you may or may not agree with Hamas but the fact is that they’re an expected reaction to this.

        • @Serinus
          123 days ago

          “Hamas spawned”. So in your view Hamas has done nothing wrong?

          • @[email protected]
            323 days ago

            Attacking civilians is always wrong, but it’s the expected consequence after decades of oppression and apartheid. The french revolution killed plenty of civilians, and I’m sure many of the instances were unjust, but when people revolt from oppression these things are bound to happen. The cure isn’t to murder more people, it’s to stop the oppression.

            • @Serinus
              23 days ago

              but it’s the expected consequence

              What was the expected consequence after October 7th?

              • @[email protected]
                123 days ago

                People who knew about the topic indeed expected the murderous state of Israel to respond extremely violently. It’s just the one who has the upper hand militarily and economically, and it chooses to perpetuate the cycle of violence and occupation.

                • @Serinus
                  123 days ago

                  to respond extremely violently

                  Responding to extreme violence, yes.

                  You can’t really point to one side here and say “they started it”.

                  • @[email protected]
                    223 days ago

                    I actually can point to the side who started it. The side who started it is the one which established a colonial, settler, ethnonationalist state in land that was previously inhabited by other people which were forcefully removed. And that side is Israel.

              • Lols [they/them]
                023 days ago

                If war crimes, mass murder and genocidal sentiments are something to be expected of a country you probably shouldnt be sending them military hardware

    • @[email protected]
      -2123 days ago

      And? They are killing terrorists that took their own civilians hostage. The Hamas also releases numbers as Palestinia and these numbers cannot be proven at all independently. Shure there is collateral damage and killings, shure its possible to mistake a civilian for a terrorist in the heat of battle, especially because the only visually recognized difference is the gun or bomb. But this isn’t at all targeting civilians on purpose, absolutely not, and thats what they are fighting against. Hamas literally uses their own people as meat shields against attacks and when a compatiby small number of them gets killed they can make first grade propaganda from it.

      • @[email protected]
        1623 days ago

        Yeah, fuck those 4 year old terrorists. They didn’t deserve heads anyways. Those terrorists in graveyards deserved to be dug up. Controlled demolition of universities is necessary because most of the bricks are terrorists. If a handful of terrorists hide in a hospital, the only logical thing to do is bomb the fuck out of the hospital.

        Nothing about how the IDF is behaving looks like targeted attacks on Hamas. Military experts everywhere have been telling Israel since the beginning that their tactics would fail and result in mass civilian casualties and a strengthened Hamas. Israel does it anyways because killing civilians is the objective. Destroying homes, hospitals, schools, universities, religious institutions, and even graveyards is the objective. Everything that ties the Palestinian people to their land is being destroyed in a bald faced effort to drive them away. That is genocide, and that is terrorism.

        • @[email protected]
          -1123 days ago

          Sources for these claims are absolutely necessary.

          And the hospital thing is proven to be false.

          And im not going to argue any further with you as you are obviously deep in your terrorism support hole, im not going to get you out of this.

          Keep yourself safe and maybe speak with the people that actually have been there.

              • @[email protected]
                1023 days ago

                I don’t. The reality is in the news every single day. There is a reason why Israel is spending millions on a disinformation campaign and still losing the PR war, and it’s not a sudden resurgence of antisemitism. Israel is very quickly becoming a pariah nation. Even US support is starting to crack.

                • @[email protected]
                  -823 days ago

                  So you claim i cant prove my claims, then i ask you what you want prove about and then you suddenly don’t want prove because you only want to read headlines of click bait sites and propaganda… Sounds like you are afraid of the proof that you are wrong and feed propaganda.

                  And the USA support will get stronger after the election regardless of who wins because usa is dependent on the Israeli intelligence services and companies.

                  Oh and its not a sudden surge in antisemitism, this antisemitism was around all the time and now the antisemitics (like you apparently) feel right because there is more “truth” for them to use against Israel and Jewish people.

                  The propaganda game of Hamas is pretty good yes.

                  • @[email protected]
                    723 days ago

                    I didn’t claim you can’t prove your claims, I just said your claims are bullshit. The truth is easy to find, so I leave that to those that are interested.

                    There is nothing worthwhile being done by Israeli companies that can’t be done elsewhere. We’re the US to abandon Israel, there would be a bit of pain in the transition, but it wouldn’t last long. In my long infosec career, I found Israeli tech companies to be far better at marketing than providing solid technology.

                    So I’m apparently antisemitic now? I guess I should be shocked and hurt by that accusation, except that Zionist apologists have made it into a bad joke. The hilarious thing is that it’s the antisemitics in the US backing Israel, and the majority of American Jews are supporting a ceasefire. The Evangelicals need the Jews to take back all of Israel then die in fire so Jesus can come back. That’s your base of “support” in the US. That and the politicians bribed by AIPAC.

          • @Maggoty
            1023 days ago

            Look at any news source. Literally any of them. Israel has repeatedly attached Gaza’s healthcare infrastructure.

            • @[email protected]
              -1323 days ago

              No. This is false. This is “statement from the Palestinian authorities” put in articles by aljazeera and they are seen as “credible source” by the people wanting to have the hottest news for clicks. Its by definition fake news. But a little more complex than the fake news the average muricalander is used to.

              You Just repeat terrorist propaganda.

              • @Maggoty
                1323 days ago

                Lmao. So Israel didn’t have a general give a CNN news crew a tour of a hospital basement after fighting through that hospital?

                This shit is freely available on the web. It’s not obscure, it’s not behind paywalls, and it’s 100% a war crime.

                • @[email protected]
                  -623 days ago

                  Ok please show me where Geneva conventions say you aren’t allowed to show war reporters places you fraught at? Cause to my knowledge they just proved that the hospital wasn’t destroyed and that there where tunnels below as claimed, justifying the raid.

                  • @Maggoty
                    1122 days ago

                    Did they fight there or not?