They went to take photographs of the moon. Then they looked up.More info and sources at bottom.Find me elsewhere:Instagram:
Most people don’t like a paragraph worth of information being stretched out into a 14 minute video. Luckily someone already provided the info in another comment.
my dude it is a youtube video and I am not chatgpt
Why spend 15 minutes to get the answer when it can be explained in a few paragraphs?
Because the video is nice in and of itself. You do you though, no one’s forcing you to do anything.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting a short TL;DW summary. I’ve already seen the video a while ago, but I don’t remember all the exact details.
the answer to what?
Most people don’t like a paragraph worth of information being stretched out into a 14 minute video. Luckily someone already provided the info in another comment.
No, but you’re sensitive af, just don’t respond next time.
tf u smoking? that dude responded to me
Tf you smoking, he wasn’t asking you directly. That’s not how these platforms work. Go outside you’ll feel better.