Critics label as ‘absurd’ idea from government-backed thinktank as country seeks to address population decline

A government thinktank in South Korea has sparked anger after suggesting that girls start primary school a year earlier than boys because the measure could raise the country’s low birthrate.

A report by analysts at the Korea Institute of Public Finance said creating a one-year age gap between girls and boys at school would make them more attractive to each other by the time they reached marriageable age.

The claim is based on the idea that men are naturally attracted to younger women because men mature more slowly. Those women, in theory, would prefer to marry older men.

  • SteefLem
    9 months ago

    Maybe they should check why they dont want kids anymore and fix that. But than they would have to change things for the better for the young ppl and not burn them out, so probably not gonna happen soon.

      • SteefLem
        459 months ago

        Well then they should fix that. But that would hurt the profits

        • @ChicoSuave
          109 months ago

          No, the system that maintains these unsustainable standards isn’t the problem. It’s the people who don’t fit into the mold. We need to change people to preserve the system!

      • @Stovetop
        309 months ago

        This is funny to me.

        Oh, it costs too much to educate kids? Just put them in schools at a younger age, rip off that bandaid sooner.

        No, let’s not talk about the wound that bandaid is covering up in the first place, that’s completely unrelated.

        • @over_clox
          259 months ago

          “This summer, 100 Filipino domestic helpers and childminders will arrive in South Korea as part of a pilot programme designed to ease the pressure on working women who fear they will have to leave their jobs if they have children.”

          TL;DR - It’s cheaper to pay Filipinos to raise children than it is to pay actual biological mothers.

          • @cmeio
            99 months ago

            Maybe also fathers. Would help also if it not falls always back on the women to take care of the kids. There are 2 parents that could shoulder that

            • @over_clox
              99 months ago

              I just quoted the article yo, but you do make a valid point.

          • @NOT_RICK
            29 months ago

            I mean, if those women would prefer to keep working with more child raising support I think that’s a great option along with some sort of benefit system for those that do want to stay at home to raise kids. I’d imagine the latter isn’t on the table though

            • @over_clox
              119 months ago

              Raising children is work. So it’s okay to pay Filipinos to raise children, but not pay the parents to raise their own children?

              They’re outsourcing parenting to foreigners, ain’t that just cute? Anything to save money huh? 🤔

              • @chonglibloodsport
                39 months ago

                They’re paying the Filipino care workers about $710/month. Paying a professional Korean working parent to stay home from her job to care for her own kids would cost a lot more than that, both in terms of the money spent and the cost to the employer to train and hire a temporary replacement.

                • @over_clox
                  39 months ago

                  Um, thanks for the numbers and comparison I guess, basically backing up my comment. Do they not have professional daycare facilities that employ Korean citizens?

                  Or are they just too cheap to pay their own citizens? Because basically every time a country outsources work of any form to foreigners, it’s always to save $$$…

                  Have an upvote, you’ve highlighted my basic point. 👍

                  • @chonglibloodsport
                    19 months ago

                    I’m sure if they could pay Koreans to do the work they would. The issue is that they’re too expensive. Korea has a highly educated population with extremely fierce competition to get into the best universities (the infamous CSAT) and the best jobs after graduation. Koreans who do not make it tend to move overseas where their education gives them an advantage over other immigrants for college and job spots. This process leaves very few available workers for many different low-skilled jobs (not just child care).

              • @NOT_RICK
                29 months ago

                I’m saying giving parents a choice between the two would probably be best.

                • @over_clox
                  29 months ago

                  It’s no different than if I were to hire a foreigner to babysit rather than hire a local citizen because it’s cheaper…