• @noisefree
    19 months ago

    Most articles about the SC lately (though this one more or less just runs through the list of disclosures while pointing out holes in Thomas’ disclosures):

    You know, some of these justices seem to recuse themselves in cases that might seem like they wouldn’t be impartial due to pre-existing relationships or favors received outside of court or general appearances of being partial/prejudiced and others don’t, I wonder what the the difference is? Nobody knows for sure, though LeFtIsT aCtIvIsTs have OpInIoNs about this that they want to WaGe LaWfArE over. Well, impossible to solve riddles aside, let’s make sure to give the people a clear picture when reporting on justices’ involuntary/late/begrudgingly offered financial disclosures by also peppering in voluntary/timely disclosures by the other justices at the same time lol.