• @grue
    89 months ago

    Guys, is it gay to be strong and be self-reliant by transporting yourself with the power of your muscles?

    • @Aceticon
      29 months ago

      Well, if you put on a skimpy outfit that emphasises those muscles and smear yourself in oil before going out and self-transport using them, it might be a little bit gay …

      • @grue
        19 months ago

        You’re confusing transportation with recreation. Real bike-riders wear street clothes.

        • @Aceticon
          19 months ago

          True: pure Transportation can’t really be gay or not be gay as it’s orthogonal to the subject of sexuality.

          However, nothing stops people from mixing some Recreation into their Transportation if they’re willing to lose some efficiency in the latter and I was just imagining how one could possibly do it for making it somehow “gay”.

          PS: Should I’ve put an /s in my previous post?

          • @grue
            19 months ago

            PS: Should I’ve put an /s in my previous post?

            Nah, I got it. It’s just that even referencing misconceptions (e.g. that cycling is for lycra-clad wannabe-racers) derisively helps spread them, and unlike my previous comment, I couldn’t think of a way to rebut this one and be funny at the same time.

            In other words, it was really more of a “me” problem: promoting utility cycling is kinda my pet issue. I didn’t write it, but this pretty much captures the perspective I’m coming from and how strongly I feel about it.

            • @Aceticon
              9 months ago

              Well, I too am a great fan of cycling as a normal form of tranportation (and have done it for over a decade in both The Netherlands and the UK).

              It’s just that the challenge of “how to make cycling gay?” was too good for me to refrain from trying to come up with a “solution” for it ;)