Advanced feces activated embryos- and you can turn the box into straw for your toilet nest!SUBSCRIBE: Tim and Eric Awes...
I worked on this show from S01E03-S5E10 and those orange/red eggs are still in my top 3 grossest memories. I still often wonder if Steve Sherpa regrets this ever or just owns it, he did really bring it for the shoot so quite possibly the latter.
I worked on this show from S01E03-S5E10 and those orange/red eggs are still in my top 3 grossest memories. I still often wonder if Steve Sherpa regrets this ever or just owns it, he did really bring it for the shoot so quite possibly the latter.
Wow! You should do IAMA here!
I think only you would show up 😅 but you’re more than welcome to ama if you’re ever curious.