Hey all!

(I did post this in c/flatpak, but this community is more active. I am not sure where would be more appropriate)

Something that I have been wanting to get working is having my browser and password manager both in flatpak. I really like being sandbox and having faster updates if the distro is on the slower side perhaps.

I have a set up with Firefox as a deb and keepassxc as a flat and that works find as one would expect. I did want to install Vivaldi as a flatpak and was not able to get it to talk with keepass.

In my reading I found this: installing KeePassXC natively, which you’d actually want for security reasons.

installing KeePassXC natively, which you’d actually want for security reasons

What is mean by that line of reasoning?

    • @InternetCitizen2OP
      25 months ago

      Perhaps. In my distro of choice (popOS) the flatpak is a bit ahead of the repo version. I feel that having the bug fixes and only being able to interact with keepass via the sandbox would limit the attacks. I am not an expert on security, so i would like to hear where my current ideas fail.