• @[email protected]
    19 months ago

    I mean if it does not replace uefi which is not open, whats the point. I am asking for libreboot because it is “libre”

    • bruhduh
      19 months ago

      Tianocore is in libreboot too

        • bruhduh
          9 months ago

          Tell me, what is “libre” for you, from what you’ve wrote so far, i see that it’s just new buzzword for you and you don’t understand what it is, read what tianocore is, if you don’t want it, to each their own, but tell me, how do you install OS on your pc without booting form usb/cd/dvd and not writing entries in uboot at least, and did you even installed Linux even once before?

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            Yes. I am probably misunderstabding things. To my knowledge, libreboot is a FOSS alternative for UEFI. Correct me if i’m wrong. Libreboot exist to replace the proprietary uefi. Again correct me if i’m wrong. Since libreboot replaces uefi, it also would allow booting from usb, no? Checking libreboot website i saw tianocore mentioned in some release changelog which they will not be including in the default ones because its bloated and buggy. They say they use other payloads. I still don’t understand why tianocore is uefi.

            Whatever if libreboot itself does not allow booting from usb, how would a libreboot user install any os at all?

            • bruhduh
              19 months ago

              You can use other payloads that allow booting from USB, but they are quite outdated, like seabios or if you know how to boot from USB with grub cli then grub payload, however, usually tianocore is used because it is open source and gives usual interface

              • @[email protected]
                19 months ago

                So libreboot + payload replaces uefi right? Why did you say tianocore is uefi? Whenever i hear uefi i’m thinking about proprietary boot firmware, and thats why I advocated for including libreboot instead of uefi in theese chips. I don’t understand where is uefi in this libreboot + tianocore or whatever payload

                • bruhduh
                  19 months ago

                  Tianocore = open source uefi

        • bruhduh
          19 months ago

          As i wrote before, tell me, how do you install linux without booting from usb?

            • bruhduh
              19 months ago

              If you build with correct payloads, otherwise you couldn’t do that

    • bruhduh
      19 months ago

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