You really don’t. Because Dems have been selling themselves as essentially “Vote for us because you should be scared shitless the other guy might win.”
When the GOP eventually wins again (please let Trump be dead or imprisoned by then, maybe 2032 at the earliest?) if the country doesn’t immediately descend into Christo-fascist super-Nazism the Dems are going to have to totally reinvent because “vote for us or it’s the end of the world” won’t fly any more if they lose and the world doesn’t end, which means once they lose they are probably going to lose several times in a row until they come up with a better pitch.
I’ve been reading “this is the most important election of our lifetimes” online since the 1990s. It’s never the same people saying it between elections, and career politicians don’t make this argument.
You really don’t. Because Dems have been selling themselves as essentially “Vote for us because you should be scared shitless the other guy might win.”
When the GOP eventually wins again (please let Trump be dead or imprisoned by then, maybe 2032 at the earliest?) if the country doesn’t immediately descend into Christo-fascist super-Nazism the Dems are going to have to totally reinvent because “vote for us or it’s the end of the world” won’t fly any more if they lose and the world doesn’t end, which means once they lose they are probably going to lose several times in a row until they come up with a better pitch.
I’ve been reading “this is the most important election of our lifetimes” online since the 1990s. It’s never the same people saying it between elections, and career politicians don’t make this argument.