• @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    Your own link from earlier has this right in the header’s bullet points in reference to the bill that was actually signed into law not an analysis of a proposal from a year and a half prior:

    The more than $430 billion package is expected to reduce the deficit by more than $300 billion over a decade.

    The wealthy haven’t had their taxes increased so I don’t know where this $4T is supposed to come from unless IRS audits are going to find $4T worth of unpaid revenue.

    • @btaf45
      14 months ago

      so I don’t know where this $4T is supposed to come from

      Because you didn’t read the link. It is precisely detailed where it comes from.

      • @[email protected]
        14 months ago

        Neither did you, apparently, since that link is two years old and says this $4T is a combination of revenue from Biden’s BBB plan and tax increases on wealthy individuals, two things that never actually happened. BBB was spun off into the IRA which we already discussed above. Furthermore, even if these things had passed, you’re double dipping on these numbers and counting things twice to come out with the figures that you’re claiming in your previous post.