• @yokonzo
    -69 months ago

    I don’t really care for your reasoning, it’s still zealotry and it’s just as annoying as some evangelist

    • Zagorath
      29 months ago

      The difference is that evangelicals hold positions that are necessarily harmful. They’re homophobic and transphobic, they don’t believe in women’s bodily autonomy, and they promote anti-science teaching in schools.

      The problem with evangelicals isn’t that they evangelise. It’s what they evangelise.

      • @yokonzo
        -49 months ago

        Again, really don’t care about the reasoning behind it, my stance is, without any ambiguity, this “I find devout athiests to be as or even more annoying than devout Christians/catholics”

        • Zagorath
          39 months ago

          This is only possible in an environment where religious people are causing harm. Because “devout atheists” (which is just a nonsense statement. Perhaps you mean “vocal atheists”?) only become so as a direct reaction to the harm caused by religious beliefs.

    • Phoenixz
      08 months ago

      How many atheists have tried shoeinv their dicks down your child’s throat in the name of jesus?

      How many atheists have murdered or started wars in the name of <insert your favorite god or messiah here>

      Howmany atheists have tried controlling your sex life?

      How many atheists have required you believe in the almighty unicorn?

      How many atheists have come to your door to bring you the good news?

      How many atheists have raped and stolen only to then ask forgiveness the next Sunday?

      How many atheists would quite happily assault, rape, or murder people whose only crime is loving someone of the wrong gender?

      I could go on a while, but yeah, you’re right, atheists are worse than Christians or Muslims or whatever, we’re the worst.

      • @yokonzo
        -18 months ago

        See what I mean? Annoying AF. Bad take, you make us look bad.

        • Phoenixz
          17 months ago

          me gives actual factual reasons

          You: see? You’re annoying with your facts and all!

          Yeah, great argument dude