• Lvxferre [he/him]
    78 months ago

    No, that’s a coincidence. I wanted something that: started loud, was easy to recognise, I don’t mind hearing, and my neighbours don’t listen to. Wicked World it is.

    Here’s the code by the way, with the echo translated:

    lvxInternetCheck () {
    	while [[ $(ping -c 5 | grep -o "100% packet loss") == "100% packet loss" ]]
    		do echo "No internet at $(date +%R)." ; sleep 300
    	echo "Internet came back at $(date +%R)."
    	cvlc /[redacted]/08\ -\ Wicked\ World.mp3 

    It’s dirty but it works. (My functions start with “lvx” to avoid the tiny chance that they might clash with system functions.)