• @NotAnotherLemmyUser
    7 months ago

    Corporations are big into lobbying. “Studies” like this help them to convince lawmakers to make decisions that benefit them.

    In this case, they might not be able to easily lower minimum wage, but they can say that it’s been a burden and try to get a break in other ways.

    Edit in response to the edited comment above:
    Poe’s Law, should have included a “/s” at least. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe’s_law

    • KingJalopy
      7 months ago

      They’re already getting a break. I live in California and a fucking McDonald’s “value” meal is $16! Plus it tastes like shit, is always poorly prepared and the employees still look miserable as fuck. They increased pay $3.50 and act like the fucking economy is going to implode because people aren’t willing to pay $20 for shitty food anymore. So instead they’re blaming it on the poor bastards working there because it’s the only good option for some around here. Fucking greedy pieces of shit, makes me so angry.