• @[email protected]
    109 months ago

    I think it’s more like extracting raisins? ad contents are still separate from the dough. finding the boundary conditions or ads hashes is guaranteed to work. whether it is feasible for adblockers is a different matter yet.

    • @Aux
      39 months ago

      Not really. Because there are no boundary conditions. Videos are not streamed as a one big file, they’re streamed as small chucks, like 5-10 seconds short chunks. Replace one chunk content randomly on the back-end with an ad and no ad blocker will be able to spot it.

      • @[email protected]
        39 months ago

        the lengths required to defeat youtube automatic copyright detection even for short segments of videos suggests that it can be done. if it can be done with the resources of consumer devices that’s the question.

        • @Aux
          39 months ago

          Their copyright detection doesn’t work in real time on consumer browsers during video playback.

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            Not comparing feasibility though? Only the flour/bread analogy. Injected ads however it is done will always not be a part of the original video.