• @AA5B
    9 months ago

    The part I don’t get is complaining about a politician being boring. Isn’t that a good thing? If a politician is doing their job, admittedly a huge if, there’s no need for drama, outrage, noise

    • @Hamartia
      59 months ago

      If your country is in a good state then yes, boring is the way to go. But if your country is an open dumpster fire then maybe you need something a little less sedate.

      • @AA5B
        39 months ago

        I’m definitely in the opposite side of that. If my country is an open dumpster fire, thaeb boring is exactly what we need. Let’s put those fires out by fixing things to just work. Lets start by firing any politician/ administrator who thinks their job is to create drama and invoke outrage, and replace them with people who can fill the role professionally

        • @Hamartia
          49 months ago

          Fair enough. But I’m not talking about drama. I’m talking about change. I can appreciate that sitting in a slowly boiling pot of water may seem preferable to getting tipped into the fire but a big part of your problem is that too many are fed up with being slowly boiled alive and most of those are clueless about what to do about it so are thrashing about causing the pot to tip. Boring is partly what got you into this position.