Courtship is just animal husbandry dictated by the Lodge. They are breeding for domesticated servants. If you have been defined negatively by the masonic hate group, nowhere in the empire will you find a serendipitous date.

All that matters in American lovemaking is possessing obscene amounts of publicly declared money but if you spend it directly on women, you will be arrested for prostitution.

Think for a moment. If all women care about is the social status and the money and you have to constantly buy everything for them, how is all dating not just barely disguised prostitution?

  • @NotAnotherLemmyUser
    57 months ago

    I don’t think you understand “America” very well… but I’ll admit I’m wandering in from “All” and I’m very confused by this community.

    New posts are locked down and the sidebar description doesn’t help any… what exactly is this place?

    • LightscriptionOPM
      07 months ago

      It is for your enjoyment as a reader.

      Make of it what you will like any creative work.